HOW do you connect creators to resources?
- In collaboration with industry experts, a series of intentional steps has been planned in the areas of military market processes, SBIR grant proposals, business strategy, and pitch deck presentation. Assistance is offered through a series of classes, workshops, and 1:1 mentorship meetings.
Is it REALLY free?
- Yes! This program was developed using the SBA 2023 Growth Accelerator Prize through America’s Seed Fund to assist in the development of startups in Texas. Our partners have volunteered their time and expertise. You will NOT be asked for any money. See more information here https://biomedsa.org/sba-awards-150000-to-biomedsa-for-bridge-to-bio-initiative/
What is my time commitment?
- Each of the 4 tracks will have a 1-2 hour workshop session and one-on-one meetings. Please keep in mind that there will be assignments to complete in between meetings to implement advice. More information on the program can be found here: https://biomedsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Bridge-to-Bio-pathway-flyer.pdf.
Why should I apply?
- Mentorship is an essential part of business development. Having the opportunity to connect with industry leaders to ask the hard questions and get review and feedback is difficult. Getting it free is priceless.
Do you have to be a BioMedSA member?
- No. Due to the funding source for this program, Bridge to Bio is open to all biomedical and healthcare industry startups in San Antonio and the surrounding region. However, BioMedSA’s ability to develop programs like this and obtain funding is a direct result of our members’ financial support.
How do I know if I am ready?
- APPLY. Applicants that are not ready for this program will have the opportunity to receive support from another local program.
Does my product have to be applicable to the military?
- No. However, part of the program is to spend time exploring the military market opportunities. You may be surprised; the Veteran’s Administration needs to prevent and treat the same medical conditions as the civilian population.
What is the deadline?
- Application deadline is DECEMBER 6. Please note the calendar above. The first session in the program starts the next week in December.
Who are the partners?
- The national partners that have been generous with their time and experience are: Lifeblood Capital, Henry Jackson Foundation, VentureCraft, and the Neutrino Donut. Together they have helped over 300 startups raise over $600M to date.
For any other questions, please reach out to info@biomedsa.org